
Services for July 2024.

July 7th.

10.30am. Worship will be led by Rev. Richard Ashmore.

6.30pm. We will be joining our friends at Bishops Offley Methodist Chapel on Zoom from our own homes.

July 14th.

10.30am. Worship will be led by Rev. David Middleton.

6.30pm. With Bishops Offley Methodist Chapel on Zoom.

July 21st.

10.30am. Worship, to include Holy Communion, will be led by Rev. Patrick Taylor.

6.30pm. With Bishops Offley Methodist Chapel on Zoom.

July 28th.

10.30am. This will be an Action for Children Sunday led by members of our own congregation.

6.30pm. Worship, to include Holy Communion, will be led by Rev. David Middleton.

Prayer Fellowship.

This will resume, after a Summer break,in September at a date to be advised.

Warm Space Soup Lunch.

This will resume in the Autumn after a Summer break. We will advertise the start date nearer the time.